Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Table Gardening

 I have gone a little crazy this winter not having a garden to tend to so I decided to create an indoor tablescape garden. I planted this Amaryllis bulb on
 December 29, 2010 and the first bloom appeared on February 15, 2011.
 It is very majestic!

 inside view of the Amaryllis. The color is magnificent.  

 Inside view of a tulip. I purchased one bunch at Whole Foods one week ago and they are still going strong! The color looks amazing in person. They were grown in Virigina and some of the tulips have two or three additional buds attached to the one stem.

I love this variety but I am really looking forward to French Ruffled Tulips this spring!

 My little slice of  heaven table garden. The succulents were wintered over from last summer and have done pretty well. This orchid is dormant but I am hoping for some new blooms in the fall.

 Hugh does enjoy the color but is always searching for the smallest place
to put a cocktail glass or cup of coffee down.

More two toned tulips---when I see them, I just have to buy them. It really is an addiction! I made some additional space today just for Hugh.....

 My new favorite container---- a glass tubular cylinder with 8 holes for individual flower placement. It makes for an interesting arrangement and is very versatile.

Love Love Love the two toned tulips!

Spring is in the air and on the way!
The days are getting longer and I am eagerly awaiting another beautiful  spring in Marblehead.

Monday, January 17, 2011

MLK Weekend - Loon Mountain 2011

We spent Alex's last weekend at home, before her return to Babson, at Loon Mountain. It was a fabulous weekend filled with lots of fun and great skiing! It was COLD but everyone had a great time.

A view from Loon across the street to the Village

Beautiful Birches

Just love all the textures in nature!

Twigs on Birch

Gray day with snow moving in but beautiful nonetheless

Hugh after a great first day out!

Hugh (Alex and Greg in background) coming off the mountain after a great day of skiing

Alex is cold


Apres Ski - Alex and Greg

At the Common Man Restaurant

Prelude to the Fireworks on the Mountain

A large crowd gathers for Independence Weekend Fireworks

Fireworks on the mountain --- it was 8 degrees!

A great weekend!