Monday, January 17, 2011

MLK Weekend - Loon Mountain 2011

We spent Alex's last weekend at home, before her return to Babson, at Loon Mountain. It was a fabulous weekend filled with lots of fun and great skiing! It was COLD but everyone had a great time.

A view from Loon across the street to the Village

Beautiful Birches

Just love all the textures in nature!

Twigs on Birch

Gray day with snow moving in but beautiful nonetheless

Hugh after a great first day out!

Hugh (Alex and Greg in background) coming off the mountain after a great day of skiing

Alex is cold


Apres Ski - Alex and Greg

At the Common Man Restaurant

Prelude to the Fireworks on the Mountain

A large crowd gathers for Independence Weekend Fireworks

Fireworks on the mountain --- it was 8 degrees!

A great weekend!